2 1/2" Davis Standard Extruder, 24:1, Therm III gearbox, 2.5 Mark V, Motor/Panels
Product Code:EXP757
Manufacturer:Davis Standard
Location: Bristol, Connecticut
2 1/2" Davis Standard extruder, 24:1 L/D Thermatic III
Model 2.5 Mark V Serial Number: L4667 SO No: 04113 Year of Manufacture: 10/91 Electrically heated, 6 zones blower cooled barrel HP Capacity: 75, 56 kW, Service Factor: 1.25, Extruder RPM 100 Gear Ratio: 17.25 Head Clamp Motor and Temperature drive panel Profile head
Not Included: Hopper and loader
Note: Feed throat cracked
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